Monday, September 27, 2010

Prankster Turned Criminal - Flaming Bag of Poop


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via Number Two Guide by jglase on 2/14/10


Flamming bag of poop. A lost art?

The noise violation hung on 18 year old Andrew Charles Donahue's fridge as a constant reminder of the neighbor that betrayed him.  Every day as Donahue reached for the milk the ticket mocked him, but what was it that pushed him over the edge?

Was it the fine he had to pay? Maybe.  Was it the early end to the noisy party that had potential to be the best party of the year?  Perhaps.  Was it the excess milk in each bowl of cereal that was the result of staring at the noise violation as he poured his milk?  Doubtful.

After years of psychological analysis no one really understands what is going on in the mind of an arsonist.   However, there is one known fact: Andrew Charles Donahue was seeking revenge.

The plan was devious, yet so simple it could only be crafted by an arsonist mastermind.  One bag, one lighter, one doorbell, and of course one nasty piece of dog poop.

Donahue had one major personality flaw.  He was a perfectionist. .. and he was drunk.   Before the bag of poop entered into the plot Donahue and his unnamed accomplices performed a successful trial run on Wayne Pickens, the  neighbor, using only a lit newspaper.

Wayne Pickens was not born yesterday.  No sir.  Wayne Pickens is no fool.  He knew Donahue would return to the scene of the crime.    This time Pickens would be ready.

Hiding behind a bush with video camera rolling Pickens spotted Donahue approaching.  This time Donahue was packing the poop.  Before Donahue had a chance to light the goods Pickens was on him like a fly on poop.

Tackled and pinned to the ground Donahue's crime spree was finally over.  The Greely Colorado police booked Donahue early Sunday February 7, 2010.  They charged him with first-degree arson, reckless endangerment, criminal mischief, and possession of alcohol by a minor.  Full details can be found here.

A parade will be held in Wayne Pickens honor.  The town of Greely has also launched a new ad campaign starring Wayne Pickens aimed at dog owners who don't pick up after their pets.  Wayne can be seen on posters with the tag line, "Hi I'm Wayne Pickens, and I'm Pick-ens up the poop!"

Although most are hailing Wayne as a local hero others are asking, "What happened to the golden rule"? — Don't call the cops on a bunch of noisy kids unless you are cool with having a flaming bag of dog poop on your front porch.


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Taco Bell Diaper Party


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via Number Two Guide by jglase on 7/21/10

Gordita Chrunch

Gordita Chrunch

We are a messed up generation with too much time on our hands (says the guy who writes for a blog about poop).  The latest number to enter the poop scene is what is known as the "Taco Bell Diaper Party."  No, it's not a redneck baby shower, it's much worse.

To start, it's not a party; it's a game.  Like any game, there are winners and losers.   The rules to this game are simple, but needed because if it were not for the rules, everyone who plays would just be a loser.

Here's how it works:

Step 1:  Gather a few friends and order a ton of Taco Bell

Step 2:  Buy diapers

Step 3: Go home, remove pants and put on diapers

Step  4: Lock bathroom doors

Step 5:  Eat as much Taco Bell as possible

Step 6: Last one to poop their diapers wins!

The reviews of this game speak for themselves:

"There is a thin line between a genius and insane marketing campaign."  - CEO Taco Bell

"I imagine this is what college kids did during the prohibition to entertain themselves." - The NY Times

"Watching a fat person play this is like watching an alcoholic play a drinking game." - Oprah


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The Mysterious Veronica’s Poop Obsession- The Tyra Show


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via Number Two Guide by jglase on 9/23/10

tyra1Imagine you are a detective who just showed up at a crime scene. One of the worst crimes in history had just been committed. Millions of dollars stolen, several dead, dozens injured. The only clue you have comes from the video surveillance camera. You play the tape. There is no video, just a single image.

That is how we feel at Number Two Guide.  In December 2009, Tyra Banks aired a program entitled "The Grossest People in America."  One particular individual, that apparently fits the description, is named Veronica.  No video of this episode can be found anywhere on the internet. Just a single image.

Actually…we have two screen shots of Veronica.  The first being a fuzzy TV image that has circulated around the web. The image shows Veronica with the caption, "Veronica admits she's obsessed with pooping".   The second image can be found on the Tyra show website, with Veronica holding up a sign that only deepens her mystique. What can we de-deuce from these two images?

Clue One:  The fuzzy TV Screen Shot - Known Facts:

1.       Veronica admits she is obsessed with pooping.

2.       Veronica was on the Tyra show.

3.       The photographer  should get a nicer TV and camera.  You can actually get pretty good deals on flat screens these days and it is worth the upgrade.

4.       Veronica is a good looking girl.  When she musters up the courage to tell a guy about her obsession on the 3rd or 4th date the dude goes along with it like "it's no big deal."  Veronica is pleasantly surprised by this, and that night she sleeps with the guy.  The next day the guy tells all of his friends about Veronica and Veronica never hears from him again.

5.       Her obsession runs so deep that she is on the Tyra show! I can't emphasize that point enough.

6.       She looks like she is not very happy to be on the show.  Part of her thinks it will be a good way to get her obsession under control, but deep down, another part of her knows that her appearance on the show is going to stir up the other poop addicts.  She hopes she will meet her true love.


Clue Two:  The Sign  -  Known Facts:

1.       Veronica is a "Poop Talker."  Nobody has any clue what that means.  Does she like discussing poop at social events?  Or perhaps it is an innate superpower, like the horse whisperers, where she can speak the language of the poop and get the logs to flush themselves.

2.       If she just likes talking on the phone when she poops, I will feel ripped off.  Who doesn't do that?

3.       She looks cute in yellow.

4.       The girl to her right is not amused, the man to her left is.

5.       There is a 17% chance she once tried pooping with her legs crossed.

6.       The Tyra show is running out of things to talk about.

It is hard to call someone "mysterious" after she confesses her love for poop on national television, but for now the mystery of Veronica will remain unsolved.

Cue Unsolved Mysteries theme song (cross fingers for an update).


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